Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Human Mind.

So I've got a lot on my 'mind' today. It has been bugging me, the idea that we only consciously use 10% of our brain. I don't see how that's possible. I mean are we not alive simply because our brain tells our hearts to beat? And while we can't tell it to stop, a person can give up and slow their heart rate, and in times of dire stress gain the will to push it on that tiny bit further.

  • With all of that considered, is it really saying we don't control the basic functions of control that our brain exhibits on our bodies?

I know what most people will say at first, "Well we don't control it directly." But the truth in my eyes is that is subjective. We control it just as much as you believe you do. What I mean to say is, it's easier to say my thoughts are a slave to my body, then to try and grasp why or how we'd actually control the functions of our body.

  • If you're hungry your body tells you. But you can give up food and push yourself to those almost unhealthy limits. So what that makes me wonder is, why do I control my hunger, but not my breathing?

Could I actually manage to skip breathing entirely? Of course without oxygen I'd die, but I'm saying if I hold my breath... Am I not controlling my lungs? If I focus really hard and cause my pulse to slow... Am I not controlling my heart?

I think we use the entirety of our brains, we use each and every part for the daily tasks that our body needs. Perhaps I'd even say we evolved to this point. A cell has to carry out all it's required functions on it's own, perhaps our evolutionary chain has brought us to a point where it's made easier for us.

If that's the case, I wonder in turn if it means that I could evolve or train my brain to not use that part that delves into depression. That sneaks into the sad escape of pain. Other's have managed surely I can too.

So my current test...

I'm going to document my 'feelings' to see how they fluctuate. A simple; Happy, Sad, Neutral scale. I will then focus upon writing it down that night, on not feeling that way. I'll see what methods to try, and I'll attempt them.

What is this test codenamed?

The Moody Mind experiment.

Oh yeah, I am pretty clever.

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