Friday, April 17, 2009

Me: 1 Panda's: 0

So I've come to the conclusion,


*ahem* yes, what I said is true. After my blatant disregard for those flea infested mongrels I found that no one, and I mean no one had anything negative to say about my clear hatred for them. Cuddly? No. Cute? No.

I'm left with two possible causes, the first. Panda's are so deep in our system that people fear speaking out against them.
Or two, as I said. People who love Panda's are (Pardon the french) Pussies.

So I'm going to continue my search for hatefilled panda bashing goodness, and while I do, we'll see just who tries to get me. Peta, I even emailed you. You scaredy cat bastards.

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